Please download and print the form, fill it out, and bring it with you to our practice location.
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Thank you for selecting our dental healthcare team! We will strive to provide you with the best possible dental care. To help us meet all your dental healthcare needs, please fill out the attached form completely in ink. If you have any questions or need assistance, please ask us – we will be happy to help.
Payment is due in full at the time of treatment unless prior arrangements have been approved. This office accepts insurance, I understand that I am responsible for payment of services rendered and also responsible for paying any co-payment and deductibles that my insurance does not cover. I hereby authorize payment directly to the Dental Office of the group insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. I understand that I am responsible for all costs of dental treatment. I hereby authorize release of any information, including the diagnosis and records of treatment or examination rendered, to my insurance company I understand that the information that I have given today is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that this information will be held in the strictest confidence and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my medical status. I authorize the dental staff to perform any necessary dental services that I may need during diagnosis and treatment, with my informed consent.